Key Features:
- Specifically designed for the Duet range of controller boards
- Allows two PT100 temperature sensors to be attached
- Works with 2 or 4 wire PT100 sensors
This is a daughterboard specifically designed for the Duet range of controller boards and allows two PT100 temperature sensors to be attached. These PT100 sensors can be either two or 4 wire, there are jumpers on the latest version of the board for easily switching between two and 4 wire mode.
The Duet 3 and Duet 2 support up to two daughterboards, with a further two on a Duex expansion board, with 4 daughter boards a total of 8 PT100 sensors are supported. Thermocouple and PT100 daughterboards can be mixed and matched. The Duet Maestro supports 1 daughterboard.
Item Specifics
1 - PT100 Daughter Board
Compatible with Duet 3 6HC mainboard, Duet 3 3HC expansion, Duet 2 Wifi, Duet 2 Ethernet, Duet 2 Maestro, Duex5 Expansion board.