Key Features
- T-Shaped
- Designed for Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 1 or Revision 2
- Make "cobbling together" prototypes with the Pi super easy
- No soldering required! This mini kit comes fully assembled!
- Mini kit comes with a 26 pin ribbon cable, and an already soldered T-Cobbler as shown.
What you need is an assembled add on prototyping Pi T-Cobbler from Adafruit, which can break out all those tasty power, GPIO, I2C and SPI pins from the 26 pin header onto a solderless breadboard. This mini kit will make "cobbling together" prototypes with the Pi super easy. Designed for Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 1 or Revision 2.
This assembled Cobbler is in a fancy T-shape, which is not as compact, but is a little easier to read the labels. The mini kit comes with a 26 pin ribbon cable, and an already soldered T-Cobbler as shown. No soldering required! This mini kit comes fully assembled! The T-Cobbler PCB has all the pins labeled nicely so you can go forth and build circuits without keeping a pin-out printout at your desk. We think this will make it more fun to expand the Pi and build custom circuitry with it.
Please note, this product only contains a 26 pin ribbon cable, a custom PCB with ribbon cable socket and header pins soldered to it. The Raspberry Pi, breadboard, breadboarding wires, cables, components, case, power supply, etc is not included!
Item Specifics
Size: 55mm x 15mm x 11mm / 2.2" x 0.6" x 0.4"
Width of T: 40mm / 1.6"
Weight: 8.5g
Ribbon Cable Size: 173mm x 33mm / 6.8" x 1.3"
Ribbon Cable Weight: 14.4g
This will not work with the Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 or Model A+ or B+
Raspberry Pi® is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.