Key Features:
- Control ohimic or inductive loads with this 110-240V/AC power controller
- Use a potentiometer to control various items
- Can be used with M150 - DC/Pulse Converter for more control
Control of resistive + inductive loads like motors, heatings, incandescent lamps, etc., if they are phasecontrollable. It is not possible to control things like fluorescent lamps or motors with starting capacitor. When this power controller is paired with an M150 - DC + Pulse Converter, it also possible to control the dimmer module M012 with control voltages (1 - 5 V/DC or 3 - 12 V/DC or 6 - 24 V/DC) or with TTL pulses (optionally in each case).
Item Specifics
Admissible operating voltage: 110 / 240 V/AC, 50 - 60 Hz
Current: 12 A Max
Control: 470 k lin
Loads: max. 2600 VA
Size: 60 x 56 x 20 mm
Potentiometer not included.